Smart & Innovation
We realize better services while focusing on smart & innovation
S&I Urban Designers is a fast growing and one of the premier companies in Malaysia. We specialize in national and international Construction Works , Interior & Renovations, Total facility Management Services and Signage & Wayfinding since 2004. Our team members – contract team, project & technical urban form, believes in special attention and personalized service for our clients.

Vision Statement
Become High Performing and Well Recognize Corporate Champion in Malaysia Construction Industry
Mision Statement
Continously Benchmark Towards Industry Competitve Advantages By Adopting Innovation, Best Practices And Good Cultures.
Core Values
C - Committed
A - Advance
L - Lead
I - Impress
P - Professional
H - Honest
S&I Urban Designers Sdn. Bhd.
Company's Registration No.
Date of Incorporate
30th October 2004
Office and Factory
No. 52, 54 & 56 Jalan SBC 8, Kompleks SME Bank Batu Caves, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor Darul Ehsan
Phone Number
603-61897757 / 603-61887757
Fax Number
Registered With
Nature of Business